Proactive Governance to Address Recessionary Pressures

Public company board strategies and risks are shifting amid ongoing disruption. In our last Board Pulse Survey, we found public company directors eyeing growth despite fears of new COVID-19 variants, tax policy changes and interest rate increases. Now, with a recession looming, directors face even more challenges to stability. The 2022 BDO Fall Board Pulse Survey examines these potential obstacles, and the strategies boards are using to address them.

Read the full report to see what 247 public company board directors have to say about how they are implementing strong and effective corporate governance strategies.

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"Board leadership is more than the presence of a unique skill, perspective or diversity of thought that will meet the organization’s needs and close its gaps. Board members represent the company at its highest level, and they should continually and proactively assess risk tolerance and set clear expectations for management’s execution of strategy and reporting on relevant key performance indicators. Especially during times of uncertainty, boards should further ensure transparent communication with stakeholders, both internally and externally, to instill confidence about the company’s direction."

Amy Rojik, BDO Center for Corporate Governance

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Key Takeaways

Boards' top priority continues to be driving growth.

The greatest strategic challenge facing boards of public companies is recessionary declines in product or service demand.

Supply-chain challenges remain an obstacle to economic and operational success.

Talent acquisition and retention remain high on boards' risk radars.

ESG continues to occupy board agendas, but boards differ in their assignment of responsibility.

Boards continue to pay close attention to ongoing political volatility, economic impacts and a likely recession.

Talk about some of the details of your offer with a focus on the value people get back.

Explore our Previous Board Pulse Surveys

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