Develop and maintain a high-performance organizational culture

Most business leaders recognize that deep trust is essential for building high-performing company cultures. Perhaps less known — but no less important — is the differentiating positive effect of high expectations.

BDO’s approach to organizational culture, leadership development, and employee engagement is grounded in the science of human behavior and organizational performance. While high-performing cultures don’t all look the same — each has its own distinct personality — exemplary cultures share key characteristics. We’ve learned that deep trust works together with high expectations, sustainably unleashing organizational potential, agility, and business results in a way that is deeply fulfilling for people in the organization.

These Deep Trust and High Expectations® cultures create conditions that help enable their business and their people to thrive.

The Importance of Deep Trust

In deep-trust environments, people feel they can take risks, learning and growing from their mistakes. They can ask for help, seek feedback, or voice a differing opinion. They believe the workplace is fundamentally fair, and they treat one another with respect.

  • Employees who feel trusted are 2X more productive than employees who don’t feel trusted. (Slack)
  • 77% of people have left or would leave a job if they didn’t feel trusted. (Mmhmm)
  • Desk workers who say their leadership is transparent about company developments are 1.6x more likely to feel trusted. (Slack)
  • Trusted employees report 4.3X greater overall satisfaction with work. (Slack)
  • 91% of knowledge workers feel that trust and psychological safety are essential for an effective culture. (BDO Research) 

The Importance of High Expectations

High-expectations environments provide stretch challenges, spur collaboration, stimulate meaningful contributions, and illustrate a consistent standard of excellence. They also balance a focus on outcomes with a complementary emphasis on learning, progress, and mastery — hallmarks of what psychologist Carol Dweck calls a “growth mindset.”

  • Neuroscientists have identified 3 key habits for developing a growth mindset: Experimenting, valuing progress, and learning from others. (NeuroLeadership Institute)
  • Employees in a “growth mindset” company are 34% more likely to feel a strong sense of ownership and commitment to the company. (Harvard Business Review)
  • Employees in a “growth mindset” company are 47% more likely to say their colleagues are trustworthy. (Harvard Business Review)
  • 91% of knowledge workers believe an environment that fosters learning and growth is an important part of an effective culture. (BDO Research)


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Complementary Strengths

Deep trust and high expectations are essential factors that must both exist in a high-performing culture. In fact, having one without the other can create dysfunction. For instance, where deep trust exists without the complement of high expectations, a culture can become complacent, with low motivation and low accomplishment. Conversely, with high expectations and low trust, a culture can become adversarial and fearful. And with neither, culture stagnates, bringing resignation and apathy.

Together, however, deep trust and high expectations can form an elevating, virtuous cycle that helps the people and the business to thrive — in a high-performing culture that’s striving, learning, challenging, and high achieving. Our work, across People Strategy & Solutions, helps organizations develop Deep Trust and High Expectations® cultures and build upon them — strengthening engagement and supporting new business performance.

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