Private Equity E-book

Private equity is experiencing one of the most dynamic periods in its history. Growing regulatory oversight, calls for greater representation of ESG across portfolio companies, and ever-fluctuating M&A markets are forcing fund managers to revisit their strategies across the life of their investments.

Our e-book, “Maximizing Returns: Unlocking Value throughout the Private Equity Lifecycle,” addresses how market developments are affecting each stage of the M&A lifecycle — deal sourcing and execution, value creation, and exit — and details considerations fund managers should be taking as they manage current funds and map out strategies for new ones.

Our e-book guides you through:

  • How due diligence has changed and how to meet new buyer and seller expectations
  • How fund managers can design flexible value creation strategies while still maximizing potential
  • New trends in exit planning and how to apply them to your exit strategies.
Download the E-book