Helping you drive growth and ensuring you get the most impact from your Adobe Marketo Engage platform.

As a credit union, you understand the importance of providing value to your members while staying ahead of the curve. That’s where marketing automation platforms come in - they allow you to enhance your marketing endeavors and achieve greater heights. Elevate your marketing game with BDO Digital’s unparallel Advisory Services that deliver a comprehensive approach to marketing automation.

Our team of Demand Generation Advisors can help your credit union optimize your marketing strategies and tactics to drive growth and increase revenue. As an award-winning Adobe Certified Platinum Partner, BDO Digital’s certified advisors provide strategic guidance and hands-on experience to help you leverage the full power of Adobe Marketo Engage and get maximum value from your investment.

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BDO Digital is an Adobe Platinum Partner providing you with access to in-depth Marketo experience. 

Discover your marketing potential with our complimentary assessment.

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Scale your Marketing efforts

  • Drive loyalty and revenue through data-informed, customer communications
  • Utilize AI in marketing strategies to achieve your revenue goals
  • Automated campaigns by achieving more with less effort

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Optimize Your Marketo Platform for Better Results

  • Evaluate marketing technology to help you build a solid foundation for a MarTech stack
  • Advanced Lead Management to help ensure no opportunity slips through the cracks
  • Accelerate pipeline growth with ready-to-go frameworks that strengthen your marketing funnel

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  • Activate proven strategies that increase member engagement and cross-sell opportunities.
  • Analytics and reporting to understand the impact of your marketing efforts and make data-backed decisions.
  • Complimentary Maturity Roadmap and Health Assessment.

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Client Testimonials

BDO Digital was instrumental in stepping us through the thought process and data behind the model as well as the build in Marketo, including the associated nurtures. When I have a Marketo question, I know I have my BDO Digital team there with answers.

Digital Communications Manager

Supporting member engagement across multiple delivery channels is at the center of our digital strategy. By connecting data with modern technology, automation tools and relevant content, we are in a position to continue growing while improving member loyalty.

SVP of Marketing

Share a real testimonial that hits some of your benefits (but isn't too sales-y).

Client / Company Name

Still unsure about the value marketing automation platforms deliver?

These Adobe Customer Success Stories may help.

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Credit Union Modernizes Marketing and Lead Management

With a small marketing department, the credit union needed a powerful solution to automate their marketing communications

Read the full story

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Community Credit Union's Marketing Automation Platform Journey

The client is posed for growth and has some goals to achieve over the next few years. The company wants to not only add members but achieve higher cross-sell ratios and bolster the credit union's value to its members.

Read the full story

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Large Online Learning Resource Creates Seamless Campaign Process with the Help of BDO Digital

Working with BDO Digital’s Campaign Execution Services, the client has confidence in developing and executing campaigns that are high-performing and of optimal quality.

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